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शाहरुखका छोरा र अमिताभकी नातिनीको विवादित तस्वीरको बास्तविकता खुल्यो

नयाँ दिल्ली्, हालै मात्र सोशियल नेटवर्किङ साइटमा निकै आपत्तिजनक स्थितिमा एक तस्वीर तथा भिडियो निकै भाइरल भएको थियो, जसलाइ लिएर यो भनिएको थियो कि यो तस्वीर शाहरुख खानका छोरा आर्यन खान र अमिताभ बच्चनकी नातिनी नव्या नवेलीको हो । 

अहिले भने यो तश्विर फर्जी रहेको खुलासा भएको छ । एक वेबसाइटको खबर अनुसार, जांच पछि उक्त तश्विर तथा भिडियो आर्यन र नव्या नवेलीको नामबाट भाइरल भएको थियो, बास्तवमा यो फेक हो । 

उक्त फोटोमा देखिने युवक आर्यन र युवती नव्या जस्तै देखिन्छन, तर उनीहरू आर्यन र नव्या भने हैनन । बास्तबमा यो सबै कुराहरूको जड भनेको एउटा पुरानो फोटो हो, जसमा आर्यन र नव्या दुबै एक साथ एक पार्टीमा देखिएका थिए । मानिसहरूले यो अनुमान गरेका थिए कि उनीहरू दुबै एक अर्कासंग डेट गरिरहेका छन । अहिले यो कुरा त यकिन भैसकेको छैन कि उनीहरू एकअर्का संग डेट गरिरहेका छन वा छैनन । तर यति सानो अनुमानका कारण उनीहरू दुबैको भारतीय मिडियाहरूमा निकै चर्चा तथा आलोचना भएको छ ।

In this day and age when cellphones have ended up even more an irritation and the individuals who forces the purported "shrewd" computerized apparatuses have begun styling themselves as news-creators, it is tricky to accept what is for genuine and what is only one more bit of trash  if not the fantasy of some person's tarnished creative energy, drifting on long range interpersonal communication sites, on prominent telephone applications and on the web, as a rule  here are some stunning pictures doing the rounds all over the place. 

Numerous diversion writers are, no doubt barraged with the inquiry by the janta, holding up with bated breath for affirmation on the same- if this truly is Shahrukh Khan's child Aryan making out with a young person who happens to be, as the hypotheses go, Amitabh Bachchan's granddaughter Navya Naveli? 

In this picture, which resembles a selfie, we see a young person in a bargaining position with a young lady. Unmistakably, the two are seen having… ahem some fun. At the same time the claim that the kid in the picture happens to be SRK's child has blown this "forward" out of extent. The adolescent chap, best case scenario, resembles a remote twin of King Khan's child. 

Caught in a truly awful taste and being devoured voyeuristically, these pictures are both stunning and exasperating not on the grounds that they probably uncover a superstar's child's indulgences, yet essentially on the grounds that they barge in some person's private space just to snatch more eyeballs...

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