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यी हुन ‘जंगल गर्ल’ जो बिना डर जंगली जनावरसँग खेल्छिन्

चिम्पान्जीसँग हात मिलाउनु, हात्तीको सुडमा बस्नु, जिराफ र सालकसँग खेल्नु र उनीहरुलाई अंकमाल गर्नु बच्चाको खेल पक्कै होइन । तर, अमेरिकाकी अमेरिया फोरम्यानका लागि यो सामान्य कुरा हो ।
उनी तीन वर्षको उमेरदेखि नै जनावरसँग नजिकिएकी हुन् । उनकी आमा रोबिन नेशनल जियोग्राफिकको फोटोग्राफर हुन्, जसका कारण उनले सानै उमेरबाट जनावरसँग खेल्ने मौका पाइन् । सुरुमा केही डराएकी उनकी आमाले पछि छोरीको तस्वीर खिच्न थालिन् । जसका कारण अमेलियालाई मानिसहरुले ‘जंगल गर्ल’ भन्न थालेका छन् ।
अहिले उनी १५ बर्षकी भइन् । आमा रोबिनले छोरीका तस्वीरहरुलाई समेटेर अमेलिष एण्ड एनिमल नामक पुस्तक नै प्रकाशित गरेकी छन् । ‘मेरो आमा र सासुको निधन लगभग उस्तै समयमा भयो’ उनले भनेकी छन्-’त्यसपछि मलाई लाग्यो कि छोरीलाई समय दिनुपर्छ ।’ छोरीको स्वभाव लजालु भएपनि जनावरहरुसँग खेल्दा निकै आत्मविश्वास आउने गरेको उनले बताइन् ।
Instinctual: The teen says she feels more comfortable around animals than she does people
Amelia Forman poses with the family pets
The unusual photographs have been compiled into a book called Amelia and the Animals
Amelia has bottle-fed tiger cubs, nuzzled deer in the woods while wearing a black wizard's cloak, and straddled an elephant¿s trunk as if riding a rope swing
As she grows older, Amelia has started taking a keen interest in fashion
Give me a lift: Shibu's trunk lifts Amelia off the ground as she poses for this photograph. She is believed to have been seven-years-old
First meeting: Amelia photographed bonding with Ricky during 2002 in an animal park
In this image taken many years ago, Amelia gently strokes the head of a camel
The youngster takes being with Louie, an emu nearly as tall as her, in her stride
Cosy chat: Giraffes Geoffrey and Twig move in for a tete-a-tete with Amelia in this picture taken in 2010
Time for a nap: Little Amelia has a lie down as she gets up close to  kangaroos in 2007

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